My interests!

here I kinda just yap! :}


Ever since was a kid science has been a big interest of mine. Over the years i've obviusly learned a lot more about it and it just keeps getting more and more interesting! Did you know that almost all ancient pottery used a certain chemical to dye the clay and so most of the pottery would turn out blue. In science there is a lot to learn but my favorite part is chemistry, i remember first learning about the periodic table and being fascinated. science is honestly amazing!


Fashion and really everything girly has always been a way I express myself. When I was a kid I wanted to be a cosmetologist and so I would give my mom facials and do her hair about every weekend. I still love to do my hair and makeup but I dont think I would want to pursue in cosmetology anymore, obviusly its still very fun and I still love to do it but it would not be something want to make money off of.


I've always found it fun to just scream my favorite songs in the car or come up with my own beats and melodies. When I was in 6th grade I had my first chance to join a choir and so I did, I will nerver regret this decision. My first year in choir was amazing, my teacher would bring us snacks and we got to learn all about reading music for concerts. Now im on my way to advanced choir and I never lost the joy I first had when I got on stage and sang my heart out. Ive learnd lots of different ways to sing and how to use my voice to my advantage, this has helped me over the years and now I can sing really any song perfect!